5 Degrees You Didnt Know Community Colleges Offered

There are many misconceptions about community colleges. Most of these misconceptions are pure myths that are gradually being debunked. Did you know that enrollments in community colleges have steadily increased in the past decade? Low costs can be one of the main reasons why cash-strapped students prefer community college over the more expensive four-year universities.
As the competition and demand for higher education is increasing, community colleges all over are redefining their roles in the education sector. Many colleges are adding more programs and a wider range of majors to their current offerings to serve to a broader population.

One of the biggest misconceptions about community colleges is that they offer only those programs that revolve around a limited number of academic disciplines. You may be surprised to know that even community colleges are offering programs most likely to be found at traditional universities.

5 degree programs offered by community colleges:

1.Nursing degrees

Did you know that many community colleges offer nursing programs? If becoming a nurse is your dream, you don’t have to enroll in a typical four year university. You can pursue a wide range of nursing degrees at a community college. You may find the following commonly pursued nursing programs in many community colleges:

  • Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN)
  • General registered nurse program
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
  • RN to BSN program
  • Nurse assistant program

Community colleges have added healthcare programs such as nursing into their course offerings, allowing students to gain nursing knowledge alongside practical training to prepare for the NCLEX and other state nursing licensure examinations. You don’t have to spend a fortune to fulfill your academic goals thanks to the availability of nursing programs at local community colleges. Nursing is among the fastest growing healthcare occupations. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are over 2.5 million nurses currently employed in the healthcare industry. The employment growth rate for this profession is 19% (2012), which is faster than average.

2.Business degrees

Business and management have always remained one of the most popular majors across the globe. As the corporate world continues to become more competitive and advanced, the need for skilled managers and business executives is growing. Many students assume that getting their foot in the business world requires securing a spot in a top ranked business school. However, thanks to community colleges, now students can opt for undergraduate degrees in business and management without much hassle. Business degrees offered by community colleges are designed to prepare students for entry-level work in the corporate world or advanced programs ahead. You can choose from a wide range of business majors such as the following:

  • Marketing
  • Human Resource Management
  • Finance
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Management

Typically, you may be able to find associate, bachelor, certificate, and business diploma programs at a community college. It may also be possible to pursue business education online.

3.Paralegal degrees

You want to join the legal sector but not as a lawyer? Go for a paralegal program. Did you know that the demand for paralegal professionals in increasing at a rate faster than average? According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 40,000 new job openings are expected in the coming few years. These professionals made a median annual income of $46,990 in 2012. You can prepare for a career as a paralegal by enrolling in a community college. There are a number of community colleges offering associate and diploma programs in this field. Without having to spend all your savings on a university, you can get a paralegal degree by enrolling in an affordable community college.

4.Education and Teaching degrees

Are you planning to become a teacher? Enroll in a community college. Yes, there are numerous community colleges offering associate, bachelor, and teaching certificate programs. These programs will get you on track and prepare you for a career in teaching. With the demand for teachers expected to grow in the coming few years, you can launch a career as a qualified teacher and fulfill your dream of educating others. The coursework of a teaching degree offered by a community college and a four-year university will typically follow the same format. You can prepare for an entry-level teaching position or qualify for a teaching license in your state through a community college education. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, kindergarten teachers made a median annual income of $53,090 in 2012 whereas special education teachers made $55,060.

5.Criminal Justice degrees

You have always wanted to serve your community and protect your loved ones by joining the law enforcement sector. A criminal justice degree can help you achieve your goal. And you don’t have to go to a four-year university to get a criminal justice degree. There are many community colleges offering criminal justice programs at undergraduate level. You can choose from certificate programs, short courses, associate and bachelor degrees, and diploma programs at community colleges. These programs can help your prepare for a career in the law enforcement sector, administration, court system, corrections, and even the border patrol agency. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, police officers and detectives made a median annual income of $56,980 in 2012.

Community colleges focus on making education accessible and affordable for everyone. You don’t have to worry about going to a four-year university just to earn a market-worthy degree thanks to the growing popularity of community colleges. According to the Washington Post, there are over 7.7 million students enrolled in community college. It has also been noted that a decrease in college costs leads to an increase in college enrollments. For some degree programs, community colleges offer a great alternative to four year universities.


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