Most Employable Business Degrees 2016

When selecting a college major, one of the main concerns for students is the practicality of their degree and the actual utility in terms of employment opportunities. Business degrees in such cases are the safest bet. With today’s business programs going way beyond the traditional textbook theory and principles, students enrolled in business programs are educated with an appropriate combination of soft and hard-focused career skills that are applicable to a vast variety of professions. In addition to that, the general skills picked up with a degree in business, such as the ability to communicate, understand and solve organizational concerns that arise on a daily basis, is one of the main reasons for such marketability of these degrees. A business degree is also ideal for budding entrepreneurs, who need to learn and understand the basics of business before they can make their way into the entrepreneurial landscape.

However, the main deciding factor for most students is the employability and the salary potential that is typically associated with a business degree. Let’s take a look at which business degrees rank the highest in terms of employability.


This is a general business degree that is ideal for people who cannot figure out what they want specifically. This is a popular choice among students across the country as it gives students a foundational understanding of what a modern organization looks like and how its departments like the HR department, finance and accounts and supply chain departments operate. The projected job growth for this particular degree is 12% between the years 2014 and 2024.

Business Administration and Management

This degree also has a vast number of career paths associated with it. A Business Administration degree would help you develop skills such as management skills, organizational behavior analysis, leadership, supply chain management and so on. Such attributes are highly valued in a lot of different industries. The projected growth in this sector is also at 12% for the same time period.

Marketing Management

With the importance of brand image increasing, the marketing sector is growing at a rapid pace. Every organization is now looking for individuals who understand how to develop relations and engage customers to increase market share. These skills are key components of any marketer’s career. The forecasted growth in this field is high at 15% between the years 2014-2024.


Businesses are ultimately all about money making. And a degree in finance teaches you everything about the money that goes in and out of a business. If you are someone who enjoys number crunching, investment analysis, budgeting and financial analyses, a degree in finance is just the things for you. The projected growth is at 11% between 2014 and 2024.

Management Science

Managing a business and all the complexities associated with it is certainly nothing short of a science in itself. And that is why the demand for business management graduates is always high. This degree focuses on teaching students about business systems, quality assurance and statistical analyses. These are by far some of the most challenging aspects of a business. The growth in this industry is expected to be at 15% during 2014 to 2024.


This is one of the most popular majors among students nowadays. Whether it is freelancing or becoming a franchise owner or even starting a new venture and building it up from scratch, this degree has just the right tools to help you establish yourself as an entrepreneur. It will teach you the fundamentals of business and the strategies required to succeed with a business plan. The average projected growth in this sector is at 10%.

Operations Management and Supervision

Every organization needs individuals that can help ensure the smooth running of business operations. This is exactly what companies hire operations managers for. They use their expertise to optimize various business processes from planning to implementation and evaluation. The average job growth in this sector is at 10%. With a degree in operations management, you can expect to find employment in a variety of different industries.

International Business

With globalization, the concept of global trade has never had more relevance than it does now. This has resulted in a growing popularity of international business degrees. This field of study exposes students to the concepts of doing business overseas and all matters related to international trade, including rules and regulations, international market trends, importance of cultural awareness, diplomacy and politics. The growth in this field is at 11% and related jobs include those in trade and commerce.

Marketing Research

This is a specialized field of marketing that is likely to continue to remain in demand as technology creates more opportunities to gather research data. With an increasing need of doing frequent research projects to remain on top of the latest market trends and consumer preferences, it is no surprise that this degree is very popular. Market researchers are in charge of activities such as drawing insights based on given metrics and helping businesses make well-informed market decisions. The growth in this sector is at a very high average of 19% between the years 2014 and 2024.

Accounting and Finance

This degree teaches you the back story of every successful business organization. A business with a strong accounting and finance department has just the right ingredients to be highly successful. From learning about accounts receivable and payable to dealing with expenses, keeping an eye out for changing regulations and so on, an accounting and finance degree educates you in the foundational concepts of a successful business. The growth in this field is at 11%.

The year 2016 is likely going to be all about these degrees. So if you are interested in the field of business and all related subjects, 2016 is going to be your ideal year.